Angela Jans Counselling Services
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
Resource Videos
Hug those big feelings – coping tool
Kids can have some really big emotions and feelings and their anxieties and fears can take over and make it hard for them to manage. A big hug from people they love can really help to decrease some of the overwhelm. Pair that hug with the encouragement to hug the big feelings into you and bam there can be a sense of relief.
Cookie breathing – relaxation tool for kids
Increasing the tools our children have to cope and calm down doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be a fun game. Cookie Breathing is a fun way to teach deep breathing.
Check out more of Liana Lowenstein’s work at
Anxiety tool - name the anxiety
Anxiety is normal, we all have it just at different levels and awareness is an important part of learning about anxiety. If you are finding that anxiety is taking over and becoming overwhelming in yourself or your child/teen reach out for support. You don't have to do this alone.
Tool for teaching about feelings
Here is a tool I love to use to teach kids about feelings @kimochis. Feelings are important because they provide language around what we are feeling and our feelings influence how we behave. So many great benefits to teaching our kids about their feelings. It can be fun to learn about our feelings. At the end I share 3 games to play.
Also, check out these resources:
Dr. Daniel Siegal - name it to tame it
@journey to wellness how are you feeling chart
How to introduce counselling to kids and youth
If your child or youth has never been to counselling they may feel nervous about going and may be uncertain of what to expect. Here are some tips to help introduce counselling and to assist them to feel more comfortable.
The information for this video was gathered from professional knowledge as well as information from the below sites. Check out the sites for a few more tips.